
Grocery shopping is considered one of my hobbies...

...I do enjoy a quiet moment (or moments) alone in the grocery store pushing my cart up and down ALL the aisles (read: driving my husband crazy at times) to see what is "new" and what I might have missed the last time I was there. That being said, although this is a 'hobby' for me (as is cooking) I find myself going to many of the same staple recipes in our house each and every month. I am going to follow MSM (here) and see how this eating from the pantry challenge works. My family, like hers, enjoys fresh produce, dairy, eggs each and every week so that will take us to the store a few times. BUT..that being said, we have a freezer full of food (many made ahead meals at that) and some odds and ends in the pantry I think would be sufficient for a "good" meal out of my regular rotation. So my goals in following MSM are:
1. To hit the grocery store only 4 times in January (once a week for us), keeping the grocery bill cut in half (I will be generous and say $125 to give me some pregnancy craving wiggle room)
2. To still eat one meal as a family each week (no more)
3. To still eat at my extended family's house once a week (our Sunday tradition)
4. STAY FOCUSED on the $$ at hand and hope to have a little extra at the end of the month.

I am due with baby #3 in a few short weeks and know how cleaning out my freezer will be SO HELPFUL as I have a feeling we will be restocking it from generous neighbors and friends who have already offered a meal once baby arrives...let's make room! Not to mention the GREAT Dream Dinners gift certificate we received for the holiday weekend, in preparation for baby#3.

Come along for the ride, participate, brain storm...whatever your fancy, we hope you will join us in some form or fashion!

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